What the heck are MACROS?

Hello guys and gals!

We hope everyone is having a great week 😉

I know that the term "macronutrients" is used or thrown a lot in modern conversations about health, but I thought we would put our two cents into this topic. 

MACRONUTRIENTS stand for those nutrients that the body needs in large amounts to be provided with energy. The three macronutrients required by humans are carbohydrates (sugar), lipids (fats), and proteins.

Each of these macronutrients provides energy in the form of calories. For example:

  • In carbohydrates, there are 4 calories per gram.
  • In proteins, there are 4 calories per gram.
  • And in lipids, there are 9 calories per gram.
We highly suggest watching a video from our brand ambassador Erin Moore who holds her B.S. degree in Exercise Science, who is also a Graduate Nurse, online fitness coach, and bikini competitor. 
She breaks it all down into a simple language with good examples. 

There are two ideas that are important for us to communicate on this subject. 

1. Point #1.
The sources where your macronutrients come from are EXTREMELY important. So whenever you find yourself caught up in looking up carbs, protein, and fats on a nutritional label, do yourself a favor and look at the INGREDIENTS first. Just because something fits into your "macro plan" but is comprised of synthetic processed ingredients will not help your health or fitness game in the long run. 

Mindset shift: when thinking of MACRONUTRIENTS always think of INGREDIENTS and MICRONUTRIENTS as well, which ultimately will lead you into choosing more wholefood options.

Because micronutrients are just as important in helping our body be healthy and digesting those macronutrients.
Micronutrients can be divided into four groups — water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, macrominerals, and trace minerals.
So the food choices we make containing carb, protein, and fat but lacking vitamins and minerals are a waste of our budget and ultimately our health.   

2. Point #2.
Cutting out an entire macro group out of your diet (unless required due to certain medical conditions) is not healthy.
We understand that low carb and no-carb diets are trendy right now. 
But think about it. Nature designed all the food choices with all three macronutrients, and when you sit down to a plate with a balanced wholefood meal, it will contain all three (including CARBS!) but it will also provide us with vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, phytonutrients, and enzymes. 
The real question is how often do we sit down or opt-in for a wholefood meal? Is carb really a problem of our health or looks? Or our lousy choices? 

Mindset shift: when thinking of restrictive diets think of a balanced wholefood meal plan instead that is free of packaged or fast food, processed carbs, sugar, and fat. Give yourself time and be patient. Rome is not built in a day. 

That's why here at Good Cravings we strive to use as many whole unprocessed ingredients as possible. Heck, we even sprout our own buckwheat groats to use in Coffee Caramel and Chocolate Mint bars. And I am not saying we are 100% perfect, protein powder is technically not a whole food but date is! A dried whole date is a much better choice than eating sugar alcohols or artificial sweeteners just because they 'fit' into your "macro plan". What about a long term "health plan"? 

I also want to put an emphasis that we support a whole food meal first. That's why we never say that our bar can be a meal replacement. It is simply that - a healthier snack or a protein bar. As nothing can replace real food!!! :-)

I hope this little piece of advice helps and we are looking forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions on this subject!
Erin Moore with Botanically Built

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